Author: marketing.manager

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How does an accounting firm use cloud accounting and live data to improve client services?

How does an accounting firm use cloud accounting and live data to improve client services? Brought to you by owner of Network Overdrive, Greg Clarkson, our Taste of Technology video series brings real life case studies of Australian businesses direct to you. Discover how other businesses are utilising managed service providers to help grow their

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What is the Internet of Things and how does it effect your business?

What is the Internet of Things and how does it effect your business? IoT is the concept that the devices we surround ourselves with are becoming increasingly connected to the Internet and, as a result, interconnected. Once a futuristic term unknown outside the inner sanctum of the world’s tech leaders, the idea of the Internet

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We are now Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions providers for Microsoft

We are now Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions providers for Microsoft. We strive to be leaders in our industry. This means we only work with leading suppliers in our industry. Our long history of innovation and forward thinking has always been driven by our desire to keep you ahead of the curve. That’s why

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Why poor password management can kill your business

Why poor password management can kill your business (and what you can do about it) In December 2014, the consequences of inadequate safeguarding of business data became painfully obvious. The recent hacking of Sony Pictures saw the as of yet unidentified hackers obtain some 100 terabytes of sensitive data, including staff medical records, salary information

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How password managing programs can change your life

How password managing programs can change your life? Where Internet security used to be all about virus and malware, more and more people are now worrying about the threat of password hacking. And rightly so. Considering that most people use the same password for multiple services – ranging from social media to banking – having

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The ultimate cloud adoption statistics

The ultimate cloud adoption statistics The adoption of cloud computing for businesses has grown drastically since 2010, and will continue to grow as cloud computing becomes more fluently integrated into business solutions. Whether you realise it or not, you’re probably already using the cloud for a number of your business practices online. According to a

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Did you know about this handy resource from Microsoft?

Did you know about this handy resource from Microsoft? It sits on your desktop, you probably use it almost every day, it’s one of the most accessed tools in computing software, and yet you probably don’t even realise it’s potential. We’re talking about the Microsoft Office Suite. From something as simple and instinctual as Word,

CONTINUE READING Did you know about this handy resource from Microsoft? 1 min read

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